How Reminders Work

How Reminders Work

Here is the breakdown of how Reminders work...

Each Module (each week) will have its own specific set of reminders. Reminders that you set in Module 1 will be a separate list of reminders from reminders that you set up in Module 2, 3, etc. 

If you have reminders set in previous modules, they will continue to be sent for as many calendar dates as you have selected for that particular reminder. This means it is possible to set up a reminder in Module 1, select future dates on the calendar past the 7 days that Module 1 lasts, and you will continue to receive that reminder while you are in Module 2, 3, etc. (this is all dependent on how far in the future you selected dates on the calendar).

You can click on previous modules, then 'Set Reminders,' then click on the calendar to see the dates they are set for. When you look at your list of reminders, in the column 'Select A Date,' you will see the status of either 'Next Reminder' or 'Completed' just above the date chosen. If it says 'Next Reminder,' then you have future dates selected. If it says 'Completed,' then that reminder has been fulfilled. On the completed reminder, if you would like to continue to receive it, click on the calendar and select more dates for it to be sent, then click save.

To remove reminders on specific days, click on any of the days that have a red check mark on the calendar.

To remove the reminder entirely, in the text box under 'Enter Your Message,' mouse over it and a red X will appear. Click that red X

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