Share Mind Movie Videos On YouTube
Before sharing your Mind Movie video on Youtube, you need to make sure that you have a Youtube account and that you are logged into it. If you don't already have a Youtube account, you can sign up for free here:
Create YouTube Account Here
In Mind Movies 3.0
in the Video List, click on the movie that you wish to share
Click 'Share'
Click 'Share on Youtube'
A new page from Google will open that asks you to Grant Access, meaning this will allow your Mind Movies to be shared in your Youtube account
Click 'Grant Access'
Next you will be taken back to the Mind Movies site.
A blue time bar will appear as the movie is being shared, then you will receive a success message that looks like this:
To view your video on Youtube, open your Youtube account ( and login)
In the upper right hand corner, click on either your name or photo. A dashboard will open.
Click 'Video Manager'
If your video was successfully uploaded, it will be displayed in the Uploads list.
Please watch this video tutorial for further instruction on sharing your Mind Movies:
Mind Movies Video Tutorial - Share Your Mind Movie On Facebook / Youtube
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