In Mind Movies
Click 'Create A Video'
Click the 'Pictures' tab
Click 'More Options'
Click 'Upload My own Pictures'
Click 'Choose Files'
You can choose one file at a time or choose multiple and import them all at once
Locate and select the picture
Your uploaded picture is now located in Pictures > My Library
To Upload Multiple Pictures At Once:
On a Mac hold the 'command' key down as you click and select multiple .jpg files
On a PC click and drag your mouse to highlight all the photos you want to use, or hold the 'ctrl' key down as you click and select multiple .jpg files
To search for more royalty-free stock images / photos without copyrights to add to your library try these sites:
Acceptable Image Types
You can upload .png, .jpg, or .gif image files to your Mind Movie Image Library.
Acceptable Image Sizes
The bigger the size and resolution the better. Large photos will have the best quality and look the sharpest.
If the photo size is greater than 600 wide by 400 tall, the Mind Movie program will automatically size it to fit your Movie.
If your photo is smaller than 600 wide by 400 tall, photos will remain at their original size to avoid pixelation (become unclear and grainy) if we blow them up.