What Are The Subliminals Saying? - Subliminal Transcripts

What Are The Subliminals Saying? - Subliminal Transcripts

Mind Movie Matrix Subliminal Transcripts

I have an attractive personality

Ideal partners are all around me

Meeting new people is fun and exciting

Love is coming to me easily and effortlessly

I am attracting loving relationships into my life

As I share my love with others the universe mirrors love back to me.

I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner.

All my relationships are now loving and harmonious

I now attract the perfect partner into my life

I attract healthy relationships


The riches of the universe come to me effortlessly

I gratefully accept all the wealth and happiness that the Universe
pours into me every day

The Universe provides me all that I need and desire.

I am now easily and effortlessly attracting unlimited financial
prosperity and abundance into every aspect of my life

My outstanding ideas, energy, and passion are now creating new wealth
for me and others around me.

Wealth is naturally and powerfully attracted to me

everyday in everyway I'm getting wealthier & richer


"All my relationships are now loving and harmonious"

"I now attract the perfect partner into my life"

"I attract only loving and uplifting people into my life"

"My friends are mutually loving and supportive"

"I love and accept myself the way I am and I love and accept others in
the same way"

"Everyone I come into contact with appreciates me for the wonderful
person that I am"

"I make friends easily wherever I go"


I look and feel lighter today.

I love the food that makes me thin.

I enjoy being healthy.

My body is getting stronger, slimmer, and healthier every day.

Taking care of my body gives me great confidence.

I eat healthy food and have a healthy body.

I have created the body I've always wanted.

My body is to be kept beautiful, healthy, and sexy.

Water satisfies my food cravings.

Every day I notice positive changes in my mind and my body

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